“H E A T H E R B I S H O P...
unzips her heart and invites us to fall in”
After more than four decades of crooked miles, Heather Bishop has deduced that she is an alchemist and metaphysical artist. Her work transforms beliefs while simultaneously rooting you in the truth that magic is afoot. Armed with only her steel string guitar and rich voice she has traveled the world leaving beauty and light in her wake. In 1979 she created one of the first independent music labels in Canada, releasing 15 multi award-winning recordings.
Before launching her career in music, Heather began as a visual artist, studying Fine Arts at the University of Regina. After graduating in 1969, she began a life long love affair with oil paint and, although touring kept her from her easel, she has returned to her wonderland of colours. A published author, her first book, my face is a map of my time here, is a hardcover edition of her artwork. Heather’s most recent recording is entitled The Montreal Sessions.
Any spare time finds Heather plying one of the many trades skills she possesses: building a house or wiring a barn or being an innovator in green building techniques.
Heather Bishop has dedicated herself to activism and, for her life's work, has received The Order of Canada, The Order of Manitoba, and an Honorary Doctorate of Laws. Most recently she was called upon to sit on the Independent Advisory Board for Senate Appointments. Retiring from music, Heather has continued to live many lifetimes in her current avatar, morphing most recently into an educator, keynote speaker, and Master Hypnotherapist.
"My vision is of a world that is socially just, environmentally sound, and spiritually fulfilling.
My mission is to make it so…..”
'Heather Bishop absorbs all life has to offer, imprints it with her compassion, her tremendous optimism – and sometimes quirky humour – and then reflects it all back through powerful words, lyrics and music that could banish complacency from the hardest heart'. Anne Kershaw, Whig-Standard, Kingston, Canada
'There was a long silence over the Yandina Club before loud applause. I’ve never heard an audience so spellbound before'. Chris Casell, Queensland Journal, Australia
'Gentle, joyous, uncompromising and generous, Heather Bishop opens her heart and invites us to fall in…a wonderful gift from an artist to whom we already owe so much.' Pauline Durichen, Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Canada
'My heart, in fact my whole body, feels Heather’s voice long before my ears hear it!.' Kate Gameiro, Cancer Care Manitoba Foundation, Winnipeg, Canada
'Heather’s natural talent and warmth guarantees her an immediate rapport with audiences of all ages.' Brisbane Times, Brisbane, Australia
'Nothing compares to the depth, sensuality, and passion of Heather Bishop.' Maureen Jackson, Victory Review, Washington, USA
'She transcends all the bins and artificial categories. Whoever you are, whoever you love, she’ll speak to your heart.' Muriel Hogan, Downtown, Milwaukee, USA
'I have been continually struck by Heather’s enthusiasm for life, her ability to energize and animate those around her, and her ability to affect positive change in the diverse communities that she occupies. Heather has lived a big life. As an artist, an activist, and volunteer she has worked to enrich the lives of those around her locally, provincially, nationally and internationally in a variety of fields. She has championed the rights of women, the gay and lesbian community, and independent music industry workers for decades and I can think of few people who have had such a transformative effect on so many.' Sam Baardman, Director, Arts Branch: Sport, Culture & Heritage, Canada.